Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Our new stove! Notice we have also painted and got rid of mirrors (we did that before we even moved in).

Living Room when we bought the house

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Kenny, Jenelle, and Chaizley came to visit Thanksgiving weekend. Rio could NOT figure her out. He was determined to step on her (that is one way he shows affection). It was a fight to save her all weekend!

Kip's white tail! Much more impressive than my white tail!

Uncle Owen and Cousin Corbin came to visit on Sunday morning before meeting. Corbin was stacking the rings and Rio was unstacking the rings.

Rio helping Mom load the dishwasher. Apparently, Rio thinks his graduate meals need to be washed. He doesn't like them much, so maybe he figured they would go away if they went in the dishwasher.

Rio playing with Taco outside. Taco is so patient.....most of the time!